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Knitting Abbreviations
Craft Your Knits with Ease: The Ultimate Abbreviations Guide
Abbreviaiton | Definition |
BFR | Backward Front Row |
BLO | Back Loop Only |
BOR | Beginning of round |
BOR m | Beginning of round marker |
C4B | Cable 4 Back |
C4F | Cable 4 Front |
CA | Cast Away (sometimes used in crochet) |
CN | Cable Needle |
Cast-on | Cast-on |
DPN | Double Pointed Needles |
F/O | Finish Off |
FLO | Front Loop Only |
GCO | Garter Cast-on |
Garter | Garter Stitch |
K | Knit |
K1b | Knit 1 Backwards |
K1tbl | Knit 1 through the Back Loop |
K2tog | Knit 2 Together |
K2tog tbl | Knit 2 together through the back loop |
K3tog | Knit 3 together |
Kfb | Knit front and back (Increase) |
M1 | Make 1 (increase) |
M1L | Make 1 left (increase) |
M1R | Make 1 right (increase) |
P | Purl |
P1tbl | Purl 1 through the Back Loop |
P2tog | Purl 2 together |
P2tog tbl | Purl 2 together through the back loop |
P3tog | Purl 3 together |
PM | Place marker |
Pfb | Purl front and back (Increase) |
RM | Remove marker |
RS | Right side |
Rep | Repeat |
SL | Slip |
SM | Slip marker |
SSK | Slip, slip, knit |
Sl1 | Slip 1 (slip one stitch) |
Sl1K | Slip 1 knitwise |
Sl1P | Slip 1 purlwise |
TBL | Through the back loop |
Tog | Together |
W&T | Wrap and turn |
WS | Wrong side |
YO | Yarn over |
sl BOR m | Slip beginning of round marker |
st st | Stockinette stitch |
st(s) | Stitch(es) |
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